Victorian Selective School Year 9 - Exam Guide [Edutest]

Jun 20, 2023

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Exam Format

4x Multiple Choice Exams & 2x Written Exams

  1. Mathematics - 60Q - 30min

  2. Numerical Reasoning - 50Q - 30min

  3. Reading Comprehension - 50Q - 30min

  4. Verbal Reasoning - 60Q - 30min

  5. Persuasive Writing - 1 topic - 30min

  6. Creative Writing - 1 topic - 30min


Is a test that measures year-level appropriate mathematical knowledge. Normally the concepts and problems have a difficulty of a year above your current year. Any of these topics can be tested so make sure to try to learn as much of these before you can. Many people will run out of time before finishing all questions in detail, so it is best to practice quick maths before you enter the exam room. Assuming answers (guessing the answer that looks the most correct) is also really useful to make you finish the test in time.

0: Maths Basics

  1. Number Theory [y7]

  2. Fractions [y6]

  3. Decimals [y6]

  4. Percentages [y6]

  5. Ratios [y6]

  6. BODMAS [y6]

  7. Ascending and descending order [y6]

1: Algebra - 15-20

  1. Simple algebra [y8]

  2. Removing grouping symbols [y8]

  3. Binomial products [y8]

  4. Special products [y8]

  5. Difference of perfect squares [y9]

  6. Complex algebra [y10]

  7. Factorisation [y8]

    1. Common factors [y7]

    2. Factorising by grouping [y8]

    3. Monic quadratic trinomial [y8]

    4. Non-monic quadratic trinomial [y9]

    5. Further Factorisation [y10]

2: Surds - 5

  1. Rules for surds [y8]

  2. Simple Surds [y8]

    1. Addition & Subtraction

    2. Multiplication & Division

  3. Binomial products of surds [y9]

  4. Rationalisation [y9]

  5. Complex algebraic fractions with surds [y10]

3: Indices - 4

  1. Index rules [y7]

  2. Negative powers [y8]

  3. Fractional powers [y9]

  4. Algebraic expressions involving a negative and fractional powers [y9]

4: Equations - 5

  1. Simple equations [y8]

  2. Inequations [y9]

  3. Number lines [y8]

  4. Formulae [y9]

  5. Literal equation [y9]

  6. Simultaneous equations [y9]

  7. Quadratic equations [y9]

  8. Completing the square [y10]

  9. Quadratic formula [y9]

  10. Cubic equations [y10]

5: Linear Relationships - 4

  1. Distance formula [y8]

  2. Midpoint formula [y8]

  3. Gradient formula [y8]

  4. Gradient form [y8]

  5. Point-gradient formula [y8]

  6. Two-point formula [y8]

  7. Parallel and perpendicular lines [y9]

  8. Linear graph [y8]

6: Non-Linear Relationships - 3

  1. Graph Intersection [y8]

  2. Parabolas [y8]

  3. Cubic [y9]

  4. Trunci graphs [y10]

  5. Hyperbola graphs [y10]

  6. Circle graphs [y10]

  7. Exponential graphs [y10]

7: Pythagoras Theorem & Trigonometry - 2

  1. Pythagoras Theorem [y8]

  2. Pythagorean Triads [y8]

  3. Right-angle trigonometry [y8]

  4. Angle of elevation or depression [y8]

  5. Bearings [y9]

  6. True bearings [y9]

  7. Exact trigonometric ratios [y8]

  8. Graphs of trigonometric functions [y11]

  9. Sine rule [y11]

  10. Cosine rule [y11]

8: Geometry - 4

  1. Angles [y8]

  2. Parallel line angles [y9]

  3. Angles for triangles [y9]

  4. Angles for quadrilaterals [y9]

  5. Circle geometry [y9]

  6. Similar triangles [y9]

  7. Congruent triangles [y9]

9: Probability - 6

  1. Theoretical Probability [y8]

  2. Experimental Probability [y8]

  3. Venn diagrams [y8]

  4. Two-way Tables [y8]

  5. Tree diagrams [y8]

  6. Probability with replacement [y8]

  7. Probability without replacement [y8]

  8. Conditional probability [y9]

  9. Permutations and combinations

  10. Selections and identical terms

10: Statistics - 4

  1. Mean, Median, Mode [y8]

  2. Types of Graph [y8]

  3. Interquartile range [y9]

  4. Dot plots [y10]

  5. Stem-and-leaf plots [y10]

  6. Box plots [y10]

  7. Skew [y10]

11: Financial mathematics - 4-8

  1. Financial application of percentages [y8]

  2. Tax [y8]

  3. Interest [y8]

    1. Simple interest [y9]

    2. Compound interest [y10]

  4. Depreciation [y10]

  5. Comparison of prices

12: Rates & Proportion - 3

  1. Conversion [y7]

  2. Direct Proportion [y9]

  3. Indirect Proportion [y9]

13: Mensuration - 4 (1 of each)

  1. Perimeter [y8]

  2. Area [y8]

  3. Surface Area [y9]

  4. Volume [y9]

14: Abstract Reasoning [y9] - 1Q (normally a net)

15: Kinematics [y9] - 1-3Q

16: Sequences and Series [y9]: 1-3Q (more helpful on numerical for number patterns)

17: Functions & Logarithms (Year 11)

  1. Logarithms [y10]

  2. Logarithmic equations [y10]

  3. Logarithmic laws [y10]

Numerical Reasoning

To sum it up it is more of an IQ test around numbers. A lot of patterns and worded problems will be presented, so it is up to you to turn them into formulas or mathematical methods of calculation.

Number Patterns

  1. Series

    1. arithmetic, geometric, geometric, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, squares, cubes, fibonacci

  2. Grids

    1. Include magic squares, but can have a variety of patterns

  3. Tables

  4. Circles

  5. Boxes

  6. Tables


  7. Sequences

  8. Sequence Sum

  9. Nth term for arithmetic and geometric sequences

  10. Odd number out

Worded Problems

  1. Financial Problems

    1. Coins

      1. Total amount

      2. Minimum amount

      3. Amount required

    2. Cost

      1. New cost

      2. Original cost

      3. Savings

    3. Profit and Loss

    4. Simple Interest

    5. Compound Interest

    6. Successive Discounts

    7. Depreciation

  2. Time Problems

    1. Time fraction

    2. New time

    3. Original time

    4. Time conversion

    5. Age problems

  3. Motion Problems

    1. Speed - Average speed, Total speed

    2. Distance - total distance

    3. Time - Average Time, Total time

    4. Locations and directions

  4. Simultaneous worded problems

  5. Probability worded Problems

  6. Ratio problems

  7. Proportion problems

  8. Rates

    1. Average

  9. Distribution remainders

Verbal Reasoning

There are roughly 12 main question types that are most commonly included on all the exams.

1: Synonyms

Which of the following is most similar in meaning to __:

2: Antonyms

Which of the following is not similar in meaning to ___:

3: Four Words Alike

Four of the following words are alike in some way.
Which is the odd word out?

4: Box Words

___, ___, ___, ___

All of the words in the box below are alike in some way.

5: Foreign Language

In a foreign language

__ means __.

__ means __.

__ means __.

What does __ mean?

6: Two Statements

Find the two statements that together prove that:






7: Analogies

___ is to ___ as ___ is to ___:

8: Information Deduction

Information deduction from a paragraph.

9: Syllogisms

Assume that all/some/none ___ are ___, all/some/none ___ are ___, and all/some/none ___ are ___.

10: Anagrams

Unjumble and add a letter. If 1 consonant/vowel is added to: ___ it forms a word meaning __.

11: Rebus Puzzle

The following question is a rebus puzzle. Try and find the meaning of the photo.

12: Word Pyramid

Which word is missing from the word pyramid below?

Reading Comprehension

Key Skills


  1. Nouns

  2. Verbs

  3. Adjectives

  4. Adverbs

  5. Conjunctions

  6. Preposition

  7. Determiners

  8. Interjections

Persuasive language techniques

  1. Alliteration

  2. Anecdote

  3. Clichés

  4. Emotive Language

  5. Evidence

  6. Exaggeration

  7. Expert Opinion

  8. Generalisation

  9. Irony

  10. Metaphor

  11. Pun

  12. Rhetorical Question

  13. Repetition

  14. Sarcasm

  15. Slang

  16. Statistics

  17. Stereotype

  18. Tone

Question Types

  • Text inferencing - 50% of the exam

    1. Understanding the key themes

    2. Being able to find key pieces of information within a set time

    3. Choosing the most correct answer

  • Error Correction

  • Sentence Manipulation